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Directory for the World’s Private Jets

Access a directory for the global fleet of private jets, complete with the annual hours flown and year over year change.


Fleet Distribution

Explore a comprehensive directory of global private jets, including key details and distribution insights.

Over 18,000 Aircraft

Browse an extensive list of over 18,000 private jets with essential data like registration, owner, and usage.

Filter for Specific Aircraft

Easily search and filter for specific aircraft by criteria such as owner, annual hours, year of manufacture, and aircraft type.

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The World's Private Jets in One Place

Full Overview of Every Aircraft

Get a full overview of every aircraft, including registration, owner/operator, and usage details.

Filter For Specific Criteria

Filter the directory by specific criteria such as aircraft type, registration, or operator for precise searches.

Gains & Losses

Analyze year-over-year changes in activity for each aircraft to assess performance trends.

Most Registered Countries

Discover which countries have the highest number of registered private jets for global insights.

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