Travel takes time, of course, which can be detrimental to your busy work or personal schedule.
Luckily, there are ways that you can optimize your productivity while flying on a business private jet.
This can help you put your travel time to good use and to stay efficient, meeting deadlines while in the air.
You can get closer to your destination and your goals at the same time.
As these aircraft are often used for business travel, there are more accommodations for productivity inflight than you may expect.
Set Up a Productive Workspace
Of course, whether you are on the ground in an office or in the air on a business private jet, it is crucial to productivity to have a proper workspace.
If your workspace is not set up properly, then you may have trouble doing your job and staying on track.
One of the ways that you can set up a productive workspace on a private aircraft is by taking advantage of the benefits onboard the plane.
One such benefit is WiFi on the jet.
Private jets, especially business private jets, offer high quality WiFi services so that you do not feel disconnected from the ground while in the air.
This can be very useful for getting your work done, as you do not have to only work on tasks that do not require an internet connection.

With onboard WiFi, you can log into e-mails, company systems, and even have video calls while you are en route to your final destination.
It helps to prevent any interruption in your workday that could affect productivity.
In addition to benefits such as WiFi, your jet may have dedicated workspaces or ergonomic seating that makes it easier and more comfortable to get work done.
This is something you will want to look into when you are choosing the business private jet that you will charter.
Choose whichever aircraft has the amenities that will serve you and your productivity needs the best.
Often, this will depend on the person in question and their preferences, but can also depend on the kind of work that you do or the sort of tasks that you will be trying to achieve.
Focus on Networking and Collaboration
If you are traveling on a business jet with your colleagues, this can be a great opportunity to use the flight to foster collaboration or to network together.
Sometimes, you may be traveling with coworkers, but other times, you may be traveling alone— so this may not always be a productivity tip you can utilize.
However, when you are flying with colleagues, you can optimize your time and productivity by setting aside the flight for some of these in person conversations you may need to have about work.
For instance, you could use the time to brainstorm, discuss, or plan strategy. If you have questions about certain tasks or responsibilities, this could be a good time to talk those through with your coworkers as well.
You could also schedule virtual meetings with colleagues or clients who are not on the flight, using the onboard WiFi and privacy of the business private jet.
Another perk to this can be that you are traveling through the time zone of a remote colleague or a client, making it easier to connect and schedule a conversation. This can be a great way to keep a project on track even when you are in the air.

Think About Your Comfort
Considering your comfort or wellbeing may not seem like it ties into increasing your productivity on a business private jet.
However, if you are out of sorts or poorly rested, it can directly affect your efficiency.
Luckily, many private jets have accommodations that can help you to stay more well rested so that you are ready to keep going once you land.

For instance, many business private jets may have features such as optimized lighting, which benefits your circadian rhythm.
For example, the Bombardier Global 7500 features what Bombardier call “Soleil” lighting in order to provide daylight simulation to reduce the effects of jet lag.
It can decrease feelings or symptoms of jet lag, which could otherwise make you feel sluggish and unfocused when you are trying to get your work done.
Your jet lag may also be reduced on a private flight by the lower cabin altitude required by the flight path.
Gulfstream aircraft, such as the G650 and G700, have some of the lowest cabin altitudes in the industry, along with 100% fresh air to increase comfort levels.
The food on board your business private jet can even help to keep you feeling your best.
If you opt for nutritious meals, rather than greasy food, it can help you to feel more motivated, energetic, and alert— all of which can be crucial to your productivity.
Reduce Wasted Time to Increase Productivity
Last, but not least, opting to fly on a business private jet can increase your productivity because it can reduce your wasted time when traveling.
If you are flying on a commercial aircraft, you may waste a lot of time waiting at the airport and also going through all of the security and customs checkpoints. A business private jet can help to streamline this process.
This gives you your time back, which can then be used for more important things— like the work tasks that you need to get done.
Another way that a business private jet can reduce your wasted time is that it allows for greater flexibility in airports that you are departing from or arriving at.
Private aircraft are able to use a lot of smaller airports that commercial planes cannot, giving you more flexibility with your flight itinerary.
This can therefore allow for you to land at airports that are closer to your intended final destination.
It then can save you time that you may have spent traveling from the airport to your final destination, a journey during which you may not have had access to WiFi or the tools you need to see to your responsibilities.
The increased flexibility of private charters also gives you more freedom to choose when you are flying. You do not have to try to work around an airline’s schedule.
Rather, you can choose to only fly at times of the week that work best for you, your needs, and your productivity.
There are many ways that you can make the most of your productivity, even when you are mid-flight.
First, you’ll want to make sure you have a dedicated workspace set up onboard that will help you to achieve your goals. Take advantage of the WiFi and connectivity options offered by the business private jet.
If you are flying with coworkers, you can also use this time to collaborate on projects in person by brainstorming or going over your strategies.
You should also consider your comfort onboard so that you can maximize your productivity. Opt for nutritious meals that will keep you alert, rather than growing lethargic, and take advantage of optimized lighting that can keep you feeling well-rested, even when you cross time zones.
Last, but not least, the flexibility of a business private jet can allow for you to land in smaller airports closer to your destination, reducing the amount of time wasted when you are in transit from the airport to your final destination.
If you utilize all of these tips during your business travel, you will see little to no interruption to your productivity at all.
Featured Image: Thierry Weber /